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Workplace health promotion online, by phone and in person.

For every type of diet of your employees.

Invest in your employees - your most important asset...

More focused, happier, more productive - these are just a few of the benefits of a healthy diet. 

Most of the time, however, employees fail due to a lack of time and stress. 

This is exactly what my BGF offer is for you.

These companies have already done a BGF with me:

Verfassungsschutz Berlin

UKB Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin

DGUV Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung

BWB Berliner Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung

According to studies, every euro invested in sensible workplace health promotion measures will save 3-5 euros in illness-related expenses in the future!

Workplace health promotion (BGF) – measures are tax-deductible.

When does BGF make sense?

  • Has the workload for your employees increased significantly?

  • Do you have a lot of health-related absences or do you want to prevent this from happening in the first place?

  • Do you want to make your company more attractive to new employees?

  • Do you want to improve team spirit through a joint activity that brings even more benefits?

Your benefits as an employer from workplace health promotion!

Advantages for the team

Benefits for the company

  • More health & well-being

  • Mentally and physically resilient employees

  • Improved teamwork through joint activities

  • Effective recovery during breaks

  • Increased concentration and performance

  • High fun factor

  • Healthy and motivated employees

  • Modern company image and attractive working atmosphere

  • Fewer cases of illness and less absenteeism in the long term 

  • Higher productivity & quality of work

  • Increased employee loyalty (employee retention in times of skills shortages)

  • Financial support from health insurance companies & tax benefits

The offer:

We can customize the offer to your and your team's needs.


classic nutritional advice for companies and employees:

A 1:1 nutrition consultation offers employees far more benefits than an unused fitness club membership. 

I also offer group coaching sessions on request.



Here your employees gain valuable knowledge about nutrition in an exciting and practical way.

So that you can implement a balanced diet even in stressful everyday working life. 

I take into account the opportunities that employees have in the company so that they can enjoy a healthier diet in their everyday working life in the long term. 


At the same time, the workshops are also a varied team event that strengthens team spirit and offers a welcome change from everyday working life. 


We also cook together in one workshop. With recipes that match the diet of your employees. 

You can take the recipes with you and easily incorporate them into your daily routine.



A keynote speech is the ideal introduction to the topic of healthy eating and is also ideal as preparation for group coaching.

Here you have time for all your questions, whether in the group or personally with me after the talk.

Possible focal points of nutritional advice:

Wählen Sie einen der folgen Schwerpunkte:

  • A balanced diet despite shift work and/or lack of time.

  • Cravings, what can I do? Help and solutions for your employees.

  • Stress-free nutrition by breaking old habits. And building new habits that fit in with your goals.

  • Eat quickly and deliciously - with uncomplicated recipes and help for a better diet.

  • Gut health with anti-inflammatory foods. Get sick less often and help your body recover faster when you are ill.

  • Why a Mediterranean diet? Clichés and truths. And why the Mediterranean diet is so anti-inflammatory.

Grünes Gemüse

How can I start a BGF ?

(Please note: I can only support a limited number of companies at the same time due to the individual support).

1.Non-binding introductory telephone call.

Here we discuss what exactly you have in mind for your BGF and how we can make this possible. We will also arrange a suitable date.


Of course, you can ask all your questions here. 


When you are ready, you can reach me on 0177 560 48 37. 

If you cannot reach me, I will call you back as soon as possible.

2.Your BGF, the collaboration.

You have decided on an offer and chosen a focus.


Now it's time for implementation. 

Your employees receive practical support and improve their nutrition. 

You will benefit from the many advantages of a WHP long after it has been implemented.

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